Sunday, December 1, 2024

Getting our sea legs again…

Friday, November 29; Saturday, November 30; Sunday December 1, 2024

Dates will be a little confusing because I’m writing about several different days! Thursday 11/28 was our first full day at sea and Thanksgiving as well (and yes, we had a delicious turkey dinner for Thanksgiving, but I’m already missing leftovers!).

We are re-learning our way around the ship (we did spend 14 days on board Quest in September and October this year, so we sort of know our way around) and actually learning a few new things. For instance, we thought there was only one place (Seabourn Square) to get coffee before 8am. Nope, at the Observation Bar (which is MUCH closer to our “suite”) they have coffee available from 6am to 8am.

We had the distinct pleasure of dining with Milena Kotinska (the Learning & Development Manager) for our first (of five, I believe) “formal nights.” She remembered dining with us on our Montreal Quest trip and asked us to join her again on this cruise. She is part of the “Hosts” for dinners. Senior staff invite Quest guests to have dinner with them and somewhere between two and six other guests. This was our first Hosted dinner on this cruise, but we had three on our 14–day cruise. A very interesting experience!

Our waiter was also on our previous cruise, so it was nice to see another familiar face! Our room stewards, Jennifer and Donnard, are new to us but delightful people.

Randy has already been immersing himself in the talks being given in the Grand Salon. Friday was The Peoples of Polynesia and—I have no idea what this means—Zane Grey, Fishing, and Social Change. Yesterday (11/30) is the 1st and 2nd voyages of Captain James Cook and today is The 3rd and Final Voyage of Captain Cook.

Tonight (11/29) was our first “formal” night, which has the following rules: “Tuxedo, suit or slacks and jacket for gentlemen. Evening gown [!] or other formal apparel for ladies [in The Restaurant].” Randy used to bring a tux on our cruises, but we’ve relaxed a bit and he only brings a jacket. I don’t own an “evening gown” so I’ll make do with a long skirt and flowy top. I imagine there will be some truly dressed-to-the-nines folk in attendance.

Meanwhile I have to figure out how to solve a computer problem: I need to keep up with our financial records but when I went to sign-on to our credit card company, it had to “validate” my sign-on. The ONLY way, apparently to do that is to send a text to my cell phone. I have turned off my phone so I don’t get international roaming charges (quite expensive). So, they can’t validate me. Most places will use an authenticator app or will send a code to my email. Not Chase and not Citi. Only a text will do.

 Willie and I are going to take some photos around the ship today and I will ponder the validation problem.

Willie and I did take some photos. Unfortunately, I neglected to bring either a card reader (XQD or SD) or the specific cable I need to connect my camera, a Nikon D500, to my computer. Damn. So, I must wait until Hawaii to get one or both of those! And yes, I asked the Seabourn Square if they had any. Nope.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're already keeping busy! Have you found a trivia group yet?!


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