Friday, May 3, 2024
Today is “Doing-a-bunch-of-‘to-do’items-Day” including
making a list of “to do” items. How did I live without Evernote?
Met a friend of Kathy’s who is a genius at creating drinks
so one of my (many) Evernote notes is recipes for his drink creations. Such as
a Paper Plane (mainly bourbon), a Poet’s Dream (mainly gin), and a Jungle Bird
(mainly rum). Then there are the drinks that folks on Seabourn cruises have had
created for them (84 at latest count—we’ll be hard pressed to get to all those
drinks in one 12-day cruise and one 46-day cruise) such as: Test Pilot, Jet
Pilot, Upper East Side (a New Yorker and a pilot as is Randy HAS to try those
three!), Sakerinha, Sex on the Beach, Caipiroska, Bahama Momma, and a Black
Martini, plus 76 others. At last count.
About the only thing I’ve done on my to-do list is buy
airplane tickets to YUL (aka Montreal International Airport). I still have to:
get a hotel in Montreal, get a hotel in Los Angeles, get airplane tickets back
from NY (where the Montreal cruise ends), get a hotel in Australia for
Australia Day (not until Jan 26, 2025, so I still have a bit of time!). Randy
and I need to shop for summer clothes (the LA – SYD cruise will be summer but
trying to buy summer clothes in September or October will be impossible).
One thing I really wanted to do, I have actually done! We will
be taking Willie (a SF Giants Build-a-Bear) with us on both cruises. We’re
hoping he will have some interesting experiences both on board the ship and on
tours. I named him for Willie Mays (of course) but also for Willie, one of
Kathy’s Rhodesian Ridgeback puppies who were born on my birthday.
Now I’m exhausted thinking about all I have to do in the
next several months!